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June 18, 2009
Salem, Massachusetts                                                            June 18, 2009

A meeting of the Board of Trustees was held this date at 4:05 p.m. at the Library with Trustees Buckley, Little, Merry, Shea present and Trustee Yale present and presiding. Ms. Jackson was present. Mayor Driscoll and Trustee Clarke were absent.  

Approval of Minutes of April 23, 2009   UNANIMOUS   

Current Library Use and Financial Reports were distributed.  Ms. Jackson reported on the increasing circulation figures.  This year will see an increase over last year’s circulation statistics.  Ms. Jackson reported on the generous donations of Miss Little.  Four thousand dollars was added to the Bertram Kimball Little Ground Beautification Fund and four thousand dollars was donated to the John Bertram Salem Collection Fund.  The Trustees expressed to Miss Little their gratitude for these gifts.  Ms. Jackson reported on the digitalized map of Salem (1851) purchased with funds from the John Bertram Fund.  Mr. Shea was instrumental in finding this map and informing the Library about it.  The Trustees thanked Mr. Shea for his interest and hard work.

Ms. Jackson reported on the FY10 library budget proposal.  The Mayor submitted a budget of $1,114,556 to the City Council.  This includes a 2% raise for all Library employees.  Ms. Jackson praised the Mayor on her fair treatment of non-union employees.

Ms. Jackson reported on the Library walkway project.  The walkway is finished and looks wonderful.  The work went very well.

Ms. Jackson updated the Trustees on the status of the Gates Foundation Grant.  The Library will be able to purchase twelve new public-access computers.  Kevin Grocki will be working this summer to install the new computers in the Reference Room.

Ms. Jackson reported on the successful Author Day held in the Children’s Room.

Meeting adjourned at 5:15 p.m.